The boys have built a reputation for great “tuneage” after THOUSANDS of installs on vehicles, with everything from head units to complete competition-level sound systems.
You’ll get “sound value” in our “sound packages,” so contact the pros today.
Did you know that there are people who drive to and from places and never ever turn on their car radio at all? Who are these people and how do they drive in silence like that? Are they on the phone? (This is a no-no. Put down your phone!) Are they talking to themselves? Have they had their absolute fill of music, local news, weather and sports scores so now blissful silence is all they want?
If you are like regular people, you get in the car, adjust your mirrors and then turn on the car stereo to find the best music for the current situation. Good quality car audio does not end with just the tuner though. To get the best sound out of your car stereo you are going to need good speakers as well. We’re talking thumping bass that you can feel when you are driving down the road. You want sound quality so righteous that even Grandma is playing the air guitar in the back seat. That’s what the deal is, right there. So, do you just use what the factory installs in your car or do you upgrade your car radio for something entirely better and who in North Bay do you know that can help you make these decisions? Well, hello there!

If you need to boost your bass, tweak your treble and learn your woofer from a sub-woofer, we are here to help you. Hey, North Bay! Come and let us help you find the best car audio system to fit your car and your listening needs whether you are just casually scanning for whatever grabs your attention or you are a hard core fan of whatever you listen to, we can get you rocking out in no time.

Now, here is why you should not attempt hooking up a new system by yourself. First, do you know for absolute sure that it is going to fit? Before you rip out your existing radio, you need to know if what you have bought is going to go in there perfectly or not. Next, do you know where all of the wires go and which ones connect to which other? Can you get in the correct position to make those connections and more importantly if you can get in that position can you get back out without help? It is tricky especially in a smaller car. Let us help you find the right system, hook it up and send you off singing or shouting or whatever you are doing.